I have never cried so much in my life. They are more alert than ever right now and taking everything in, but at the same time they seem to get bored rather quickly. When they become disinterested, a fun session quickly turns into a simultaneous scream session. It's intense and I have no idea who to console first. And now, they're starting to feed off of each other's cries so even if you try to console one, the other one crying will just continue to set off the one you're trying to console. It's a game I cannot win!
The time span between month two and three has been tough because they can only do so much at this age and I can't blame them for getting bored! We rotate between "stations" during the day. The choices are activity gym A, activity gym B (piano included), tummy time, bumbo seats, swings, baby flash cards and their rock and play sleepers. That's a lot of stuff if you ask me, but rotating through them doesn't last long and sometimes I swear they give me a look as if to say, "Oh no! This thing again?!" I spend a lot of time just walking around the neighborhood, sometimes five or six miles a day (two separate walks), simply because they are super content in their stroller! If they're not sleeping in it then they are alert and just happy to be looking around.
On occasion during the past month, these boys have left me bawling at the end of the night. I feel beat down and sometimes even dread the next day. When that thought comes across my mind, it's then that I feel like a terrible person and that maybe I wasn't meant to be a Mom at all. I had a moment yesterday where I actually lost my patience and screamed at Emmett to "shut up". I felt like the most terrible person in the world. I quickly put him down and went outside leaving both of them screaming inside and just sat down and bawled. After talking with Shaun and making him worry, he texted a friend to check in on me. I was embarrassed at the time, but I'm thankful that she was on the phone looking back on the day now. Today was 100% better...in case you were wondering :)
People keep telling me it gets easier and that the first year with twins is pure survival mode. I'm hopeful that they're right and I try to enjoy the good moments and learn from the bad. Speaking of good moments, there were quite a few so don't let this post concern you too much!
We rang in 2014 with their first round of immunizations. Two shots and a liquid were given to each. The doctor forewarned us that the liquid was a live rotovirus vaccine so we spent most of the day and night waiting for "rotopoops". The boys slept most of the time after the appointment, but when they awakened we were left to soothe some hurt tummies all while deveining shrimp for our own little NYE festivity! A little Tylenol fixed both boys and we put them to bed early so that we could enjoy the final hours of 2013 and reflect on the year. The "rotopoops" never happened, by the way.
I got out a lot more by myself with them during this month. New strollers were key in helping this happen. We now own three strollers. Insane, I know! But trust me, they each shine in their own little way for different outings. If I have to, I can now take one stroller and strap a giant tarp-like bag to it and gather groceries to put in the bag and underneath the stroller. No cart necessary! However, I also discovered that I can order my groceries online at Harris Teeter and just pull up and pick up my order when it's ready. Genius! It's so nice because you don't have to get the boys out of the car! This may come in handy during the toddler years too so I don't end up with random crap in my cart from tiny boy hands grabbing things off shelves when I'm not looking ;)
A group of girlfriends have been saviors this month too. We have been getting together weekly, if not more, to just simply get out and share our motherly woes to feel normal again. I'm very thankful for my friends this past month. They save me every single day and lift my spirits whether it's talking on the phone, texting or getting together. You know who you all are...thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I also went to my first TMOTT group meeting this month. TMOTT (Triangle Moms of Twins and Triplets) is a local group full of people with multiples. I mainly joined because they have a killer consignment sale and if you're a member, you get to shop a day early. The entire first week of January was pretty rough on my emotions so I decided that maybe a meeting would help. I'm so glad I went! These women made me feel so normal, made me laugh and gave me hope! I left feeling refreshed and ready to tackle (not literally) the boys! They were full of great advice and it felt good to actually be able to give some advice myself to the new people expecting multiples. They were easy to spot...not just because of the belly, but because of the deer-in-the-headlights look!
Owen and Emmett |
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Owen |
I love you Owen and Emmett. Happy 3 months!
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Emmett |
Megan, Owen and Emmett are precious, priceless gifts to you. They will continue to have difficult times but the good times will far outweigh the bad. Just take it one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month and one year at a time. Relax and enjoy each minute as much as possible. Love on the boys, hug and kiss them and make lots of memories. It seems like yesterday that you, Mindy, Jeff and Jen were little ones. Believe me, you will look back from 60 years and wonder where the time has gone. Love you all, Aunt Bonnie