Friday, December 27, 2013

Two months and too tired

The last month has been an even more challenging one. I think the adrenaline has worn off and the continuation of being in survival mode is finally taking a toll on me. I physically hurt everywhere, I'm in a constant state of tired and...well...I'm quite cranky at times. But guess what? It's not all about me anymore. Having children is a very selfless act and that's one thing you need to accept before being willing to even commit to the thought of bringing sweet babies into this world.

Even though this past month has been a trying one, Owen and Emmett bring me the utmost joy. They have become more alert and smile. They know my voice and according to Shaun, always try to find me when I enter a room where they can hear me. They both love to "work out". Tummy time and playing on the activity gym is fun for them, but what they really love is for you to hold them up while they bust out a ton of squats! They're going to have incredible quad muscles. They've also begun to find their voices. It's so adorable to hear them "oooo" and "ahhhh".

We have discovered that Owen is more the laid back type. He can easily entertain himself and always seems to be pondering things. I swear he sleeps with one eye open so that he doesn't miss taking something in. He seems to think every piece of this world is spectacular. He's also my tummy time animal. He can pick his head up like a champ and hold it for what seems like forever!

Emmett is my sweet boy, but dramatic. He loves to be held and snuggled. Unfortunately, when things don't go perfectly for him he'll let you know with a loud cry that demands your attention. "My paci fell out!" "I need changed!" "You were holding me and now you're not holding me...come back here and pick me up!" I have no idea where he gets his flare for drama. When he's not being a drama queen, he is so angelic to look at. He has a way of melting my heart. He's not into tummy time as much as his brother (he prefers to do it while laying on your chest), but loves to be held up so he can do his baby squats.

I have had quite a bit of help this past month. My Dad and stepmom, Gwen, visited from PA and stayed for two weeks. My stepsister, Erin also came up from GA for a few days. We enjoyed their company and the extra hands. The boys loved the extra snuggles and my family enjoyed the bonding time it provided.

Having family around allowed Shaun and I to even get out for a few hours alone! We had dinner at a new joint in our neighborhood. It was like we were on a first date again and we didn't know what to talk about. We found ourselves looking at pictures of the boys on our phones and talking about them. My oh my, how times have changed. Even though we loved talking about our boys, we had to stop and get to know each other again. Sounds funny, but it's the truth. I am not (exactly) the same person I was before I had O and E and I know Shaun is not the same man. Babies change a marriage. When you are sleep deprived and have two little boys demanding your constant attention, it makes paying attention to your other half quite difficult. We're working on adjusting to our "new" marriage each and every day.

I wonder what the next month will bring? I'm assuming even more alertness, even more smiles and perhaps even more sleep! I look forward to the next month of learning and welcoming 2014 along with it. Happy two months Owen and Emmett! I wanted you more than you'll ever I sent love to follow wherever you go. *That's a special line from the book we read to them while they were in the womb* :)

Emmett and Owen the day after their first Christmas

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