I have heard over and over again that the first year with twins is pure survival mode. It wasn't until last week that I realized my own reality of doing it. The boys and I walked with a newer twin Mom and after she left to return home, I tried to reflect on when my boys were her boys' age. Although it was only six months ago, I really could not pull a whole lot out of the hat of memories. I know some of you are laughing as you read this because you truly know me and know that when it comes to most things (not just my children), that I don't really have a memory at all! Well, needless to say, I am really glad that I've been blogging and keeping a small journal for daily jottings beside my bed because either my brain doesn't want to go back there or I really can't remember s*%t!
Today, Owen and Emmett are ten months old and my memory is just fine as I recall this month being a lot of survival mode. It was one of those months where I got comfortable with the way things were rolling around here and now I find myself switching gears and trying to keep up with my busy boys. They are crawling all over the place and pulling themselves up to stand on everything. The poor dogs stand outside the bathroom door downstairs because they know that's where their bowls are locked up for most of the day. Nothing is safe! I'm re-evaluating my baby-proofing because hearing my boys hit their heads off the hardwood every twenty minutes or so is not fun. I want them to explore without my supervision in the playroom that's blocked off, but even that is proving to be a fail at times because Emmett loves to pull Owen's hair and hit him with toys. The days have been exhausting mentally and physically. I feel like a baby lifeguard most of the day, just trying my best to keep the peace.
This month will eventually be a blur in memory too, I know. For now, I'll continue to look forward to the hour or so that I drop them off at the YMCA nursery.
Owen |
Owen started crawling this past month! I think he finally calculated that walking was going to take a bit longer than he had anticipated so he decided to join his brother in getting around. In classic Owen style, he crawls and stops along the way to ponder a bit. He's also pulling up to stand on things and has the most contagious laugh. Sometimes he'll laugh for no reason at all! He loves to start clapping and is thrilled when you join in. He loves making music by taking two small toys and banging them together. He is my little sweetheart.
Emmett |
Emmett has one crawling speed: turbo. Turbo to the doors, turbo to the kitchen, turbo to the back, turbo to the playroom and turbo around the patio. He is such a do-er! He's also pulling to stand on everything and one of his favorite activities is standing at the cardboard garage that Shaun made them and putting his toys on top so he can play with them there. Meanwhile, Owen likes to be inside the garage to play so of course it's a calamity when he tries to crawl out and more often than not, knocks Emmett down on his way out. Sigh. Emmett is the talker and loves to hear himself squeal. He also loves to take away anything that Owen is currently playing with and pull his brother's hair too. Each diaper change is also a wrestling match with him. He thinks it's hilarious, but I don't! As you can read, Emmett is more often than not, my daily challenge. He is my
It's unbelievable that I'm looking at things to celebrate their first birthday. Is it a first year birthday party or is it more of a first year survival party? It just may be a celebration of both.
Happy Ten Months Owen and Emmett! I love you, my little monsters!
On the move...no time for pictures! |
Happy Ten Months to you!! You are exactly right that planning for the one-year birthday party is a celebration of you keeping those kids healthy and alive! I totally felt like that with both of mine...and I just had one at a time! You're doing great!! Way to go, Momma!