Today marks one month with Owen and Emmett. It definitely flew by and why not? Your days go fast when they're filled with feedings, burpings, changing diapers, getting peed and pooped on, pumping for breast milk somewhere in between all of that, attempting to keep up with a semi-tidy house, laundry, finding time for my basic needs and also show some sort of affection towards that guy in my life...what's his name? Oh yeah, Shaun :) Here's what I've learned during the last month. It will be a quick list because, well, I've got twin boys! So, in no particular order, I've learned...
- You can deeply love human beings that you don't even really know just yet. Owen and Emmett have personalities, don't get me wrong, but the first month has been a lot of giving on my (and Shaun's) part. I'm looking forward to that first connection where they really look at me and smile because they think I rock!
- I can't imagine not having two babies to love. I would have a hard time sharing just one!
- Sometimes, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Two babies crying at the same time can be a bit overwhelming at times. I have cried simply because they're crying!
- I can multitask like a champ. I thank my profession and being a woman for that.
- Cold tea is ok.
- I can now eat as fast as someone in the military.
- I've quickly become ambidextrous.
- I can feed two babies at one time. However, I have yet to master dual burping.
- If you let them cry...they're ok!
- If I let myself cry...I'm ok!
- Bumpy stroller walks are soothing for all.
- I can manage my big rig stroller and walking my pups all at the same time and no one gets hurt!
- Poop and pee can end up on walls.
- I have a hard time allowing people to help. I'm stubborn and like control over certain things. Thus, allowing people to help when I've found a good routine and schedule is a hardship. I'm working on it and improving.
- It truly takes a village. I have been amazed, but not shocked at the kindness of people during the last month. Family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances and strangers alike have checked in on us, brought us food, offered to walk our dogs and have even offered to babysit. Visitors have simply allowed me to shower while watching the boys and fed one so that I didn't have to feed two at the same time for a round. I am so grateful for the human beings that surround us.
Obviously I've learned a lot and most of it is more than likely not listed above. Happy 1 month, Owen and Emmett. I love you, my little nuggets!
Owen |
Emmett |